Citation - Boston News Letter: 1707.09.01

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Index Entry Drums, in Milan, beat in capitulations 
Location Milan 
25 Aug-1 Sep 1707:21 (176)
Milan, March 22.  The Duke of Savoy having ratified the
treaty concluded with the French for evacuating the places
they held in Lombardy; and the march of the troops in their
retreat being agreed on, the Marquis de Florida, with his
garison consisting of 700 men, marched out on the 20th, with
drums beating, colours flying, having 100 waggons for their
baggage, through the Gate of Pavia, towards Sufa, under a
German guard.  Prince Eugene has ordered some troops to
march to Fimat, which is to be evacuated the 26th of this
month, by virtue of the treaty, which is now made publick,
but too long to be inserted here, as containing 42 articles,
the chief of which are, . . . [9 lines]  7.  That all the
garrisons of the places to be evacuated, shall march out
with drums beating, colours flying, and 15 charges of powder
and ball, and 38 pieces of canon from all the places, and no
more, the biggest of which shall be but a twelve pounder. .
. [22 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1707.09.01 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1707 
Bibliography B0007127
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