Citation - Boston News Letter: 1705.04.23

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Saarbruck, French, in move against German garrison 
Location Saarbruck 
16-23 Apr 1705:12 (53)
Treves, Decemb. 8. The French have surrendered the castle of
Dagstoul to the allies, who have sent a detachment to
dislodge the French from Fort St. John near Saarbruck, and
thereby extend their winter quarters.  Two days since about
800 French, with a great number of trumpets and kettle
drums, &c. appeared before Saarbruck designing to make the
Germans garrison believe that a great army was come to
reduce the fort, but the governour refusing to surrender
upon their summons, they retired with precipitation to

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1705.04.23 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1705 
Bibliography B0007007
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