Citation - Boston News Letter: 1704.12.04

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Heebstet, spoils of war taken from French 
Location Heebstet 
27 Nov-4 Dec 1704:12,21 (33)
. . . [Account re. British victory over French and Bavarians
at Heebstet, on 23 Aug. 1704. . . [40 lines]  We took
likewise all their tents standing, with their cannon and
ammunition; as also a great number of standards, kettle-
drums, and colours in the action; so that I reckon the
greatest part of Monsieur Tallard's army is taken or
destroy'd. . . [36 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1704.12.04 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1704 
Bibliography B0006987
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