Citation - Boston Gazette: 1770.06.11

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Index Entry Athridates [t], song from, Purple Morn [t], to be sung at concert 
Location Boston 
11 Jun 1770:32 (792)
The last night.  On Wednesday evening, being the 13th
instant, at Concert Hall, will be performed, a vocal
entertainment, of three acts.  Among a variety of songs,
will be sung, a Hymn to the Moon, from the opera of
Cynthia,--Dean Swift's cantata--The Cruel Tyrant Love--The
Purple Morn, from the opera of Athridates.---Beneath his
ample Shade, from the oratorio of Solomon.--
Bright Author of my present Flame--and a favorite medley.
  Tickets to be had at the British Coffee-House, and at the
door, at half a dollar each.  To begin at half after seven
  N.B.  If it should be a wet evening, 'twill be put off to
the first fair evening.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1770.06.11 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0006253
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