Citation - Boston Gazette: 1767.05.25

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Index Entry Assemblies, essay, Address to Persons of Fashion [t], for sale by M'Alpine 
Location Boston 
25 May 1767:42 (634)
This day published, an address to persons of fashion,
concerning frequenting of plays, balls, assemblies, card-
tables, &c.  in which is introduced, the character of
Lucinda.  Printed and sold by W McAlpine, in  Marlboro'-
  *.* A pamphlet worthy the serious attention of every
Christian, especially at a time when vice and immorality
seems to have an ascendency over religion, and the Prince of
the power of the air reigns with almost an uncontrouled

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1767.05.25 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0006094
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