Citation - Boston Gazette: 1766.02.24

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Index Entry Drums, in Plymouth, beat in demonstration against ship's stamped clearance 
Location Plymouth 
24 Feb 1766:22 (569)
Plimouth, (in Massachusetts Province) Feb. 17.    A few days
since a vessel arrived here from Annapolis-Royal, John
Staples, Master, and brought with him a stamp'd clearance;
the Sons of Liberty soon heard of it and assembled to the
number of 4 or 500 and marched in procession from the tree
of liberty, near the Town-house, with drums beating and
banners flying, to the wharff where the vessel lay, and
demanded the detestable object of their resentment, which
the master of the vessel very readily delivered up; they
then proceeded in the same manner (fetching a circle thro'
the town, and having the paper affixed to a pole and carried
by a senior gentleman attending) to the Tree of Liberty,
which was decorated with an ensign and long pendant; and
after enkindling a comfortable bonfire, they consumed
therein the badge of slavery--This done, they gave three
cheers and dispers'd.  The gentlemen of the town afterwards
repaired to a public house, where several loyal toasts were
drank;  the whole being conducted with great decency and

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1766.02.24 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0006029
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