Citation - Boston Gazette: 1765.10.21

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Index Entry Bells, in New Castle, rung muffled for arrival of Stamp ships 
Location New Castle 
21 Oct 1765:13 (551 Supplement)
Philadelphia, Octob. 10.  On Saturday the 5th instant, the
ship Royal Charlotte, Capt. Holland, came up to this city,
attended by his Majesty's ship Sardine, James Hawker, Esq;
Capt. Holland having brought from London the Stamped Papers
for Maryland, New-Jersey, and this province, had remained
some time at New-Castle, on Delaware, under protection of
the man of war; and on the first appearance of these ships
round Gloucester Point, all the vessels in the harbour
hoisted their colours half mast high, the bells began to
ring, being first muffled, and continued so until the
evening, and every countenance added to the appearance of
sincere mourning, for the approaching loss of liberty. . .
[rest of col. + 1/3d next page]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1765.10.21 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0006011
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