Citation - Boston Gazette: 1764.07.23

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Index Entry Tomtoms, in India, casualties, Mogul's cavalry and Seapoys 
Location India 
23 Jul 1764:11,12 (486)
A letter is inserted in the London Gazette, from Major
Adams, Commander of the Companies forces in the East Indies,
confirming a former Account of the Success obtained over
Cassim Ali Cawn, (inserted in this Gazette of the 28th of
May last.)
  After giving an account of several skirmishes, in which
the enemy lost many men, he relates the general action as
[12, para. 2:]  Total killed and wounded of the Mogul's
cavalry.  4 private killed.  1 commandant, 1 tomtom, 8
private, wounded. . . [1 line]
Total of Seapoys killed, wounded and missing.  1 captain, 2
lieutenants, 1 ensign, 3 subadars, 16 havildars, 3 tomtoms
and trumpeters.  133 naicks and seapoys, killed.  1 captain
1 lieut. 1 ensign, 1 subadar, 5 jamadars, 18 havildars, 7
tomtoms and trumpeters, 1 coulermen, 250 naicks and seapoys,
wounded.  9 naicks and seapoys missing. . . [1/4 col. more]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1764.07.23 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0005946
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