Citation - Boston Gazette: 1764.07.09

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Index Entry Dance, Indians, Mohawks danced and sang in display of friendship to English 
Location Fort Henrick 
9 Jul 1764:22,23 (484)
New-York, July 2.  Extract of a letter from the Little
Falls, dated June 18, 1764.
On Saturday last 18 companies of the militia amounting to
about 1500 men, were reviewed at Mr. Brant's, about a mile
above Fort Henrick, by Sir William Johnson, who after the
review, entertained them with a large ox, and a number of
sheep roasted whole and gave them a barrel of rum to drink
his Majesty's health.  There were a number of Indians
present, amongst whom were some of the Senecas; who, on
their return home, will tell their people that the English
are coming in vast bodies towards the frontiers'; this will
undoubtedly have a good effect, in engaging them to keep
firm and steady to their late convention with Sir William,
fearing that these people should march against them in case
of a revolt.  Yesterday evening Sir William set out for
Niagra, accompanied by his son in-law, Mr. Guy Johnson, and
John Duncan, Esq; of Schenectady, with 30 of the chiefs and
most noted warriors of the lower castles of the Mohawks, who
insisted on accompanying Sir William's person in particular
in his voyage.  They sang the war songs, and danced, taking
Sir William by the hand with the most convincing proofs of
their attachment.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1764.07.09 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0005944
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