Citation - Boston Gazette: 1764.02.20

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Index Entry Bells, in Philadelphia, rung alarm for attack of Paxton Volunteers 
Location Philadelphia 
20 Feb 1764:41 (464)
New-York, February 13.  Our advices from Philadelphia so
late as Saturday last (not by the post, who is not arrived)
is.  That a considerable number of persons who call
themselves Paxton Voluntiers, and assembled and were on the
5th instant marching down to Philadelphia, to attack the
barracks for the Indians who were protected there. . . [5
lines]  It appears Philadelphia City was alarmed on this
occasion by 2 o'clock on Monday morning last, by the ringing
of the bells, &c. when the governor and council were obliged
to meet--Further particulars we have not obtained.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1764.02.20 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0005924
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