Citation - Boston Gazette: 1762.09.06

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Index Entry Bells, in Yorkshire, rung for marriage of elderly couple 
Location Yorkshire 
6 Sep 1762:13 (388)
London, June 12.    On Tuesday the 16th ult. was married at
Goisborough in Yorkshire, by the Rev. Mr. Hyde, Robert
Lawrence, aged 90, to his fourth wife, Jane Edderson of the
same place, aged 100.  The morning was ushered in with bells
ringing, drums beating, trumpets sounding French horns
playing, and colours flying.  A company of Yorkshire militia
attended this couple to church, and after the ceremony was
over, a feu de joye was fired to upwards of 1000 spectators,
who likewise accompanied this couple in their return home,
while a discharge of brass cannon was fired as they passed. 
Two men ran twice for ribbons, (according to the ancient
custom of the place) and were so nearly matched, that no
person could declare the winner.  At night a posset was
introduced, in a vessel provided on purpose, holding 100
gallons, answerable to the age of the bride.  A general
invitation was given to the young people of both sexes, who
provided for themselves spoons to empty this large vessel;
and the stocking was thrown when the couple were in bed.
[Where we leave them to take their quiet repose]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1762.09.06 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0005848
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