Citation - Boston Gazette: 1761.01.26

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Index Entry Billings, Richard, sells violin strings 
Location Boston 
26 Jan 1761:12 (304)
Just imported from London, and to be sold by Richard
Billings, At his shop adjoining Col. Phillips's, and  near
the Post-Office, at the sign of the Crown and Comb.  Best
hard-metal water plates; communion flaggons; soop kettles;
scates; slay bells; ivory head rattans; horse whips; setts
of house brushes; good violin strings &c. all sizes of
nails; best London pewter of all kinds; brass kettles;
warming pans; locks; hinges &c. . .[10 more lines]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1761.01.26 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0005764
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