Citation - Boston Gazette: 1754.08.13

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Index Entry Drums, in Great Meadows, beat for retreat of Washington's troops 
Location Great Meadows 
13 Aug 1754:22,31 (85)
Williamsburg, (in Virginia,) July 19.  On Wednesday last
arrived in town Colonel Washington, and Capt. Maccay, who
gave the following account to his Honour the governor, of
the late action between them and the French, at the Great
Meadows in the Western parts of this dominion.
  The third of this instant July, about 9 a clock, we
received intelligence that the French having been reinforced
with 700 recruits, had left Monaongahela, and were in full
march with 900 men to attack us. . .  [30 lines] and about
midnight we agreed that each side should retire without
molestation, they back to their fort, at Monongehala; and we
to Wills's Creek:  That we should march away with all the
honours of war, and with all our stores, effects and
baggage.  Accordingly the next morning, with our drums
beating, and our colours flying, we began our march in good
order, with our stores, &c. in convoy; but we were
interrupted by the arrival of a reinforcement of one hundred
Indians, among the French, who were hardly restrained from
attacking us, and did us considerable damage, by pilfering 
our baggage. . . [43 more lines]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1754.08.13 
Publisher Kneeland, S. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1754 
Bibliography B0005429
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