Citation - Boston Gazette: 1752.03.17

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Index Entry Drum, in Fairfeld, beat for public deprecation of Rhode Island money 
Location Fairfield 
17 Mar 1752:13 (1670)
New-York, Feb. 24.  We have advice from Fairfield in
Connecticut, that about 10 days ago two bills of the new
emission of Rhode-Island money, made their appearance in
that town; upon which the whole town was called together by
beat of drum, and having apprehended the bills, proceeded in
solemn procession with them to the whipping-post, whereon
they first nail'd them fast, then scourg'd them, after which
they crop'd them, branded them, and finally burnt them, as
being most notorious enemies to their country; and we hear
are determined to serve all they catch in their confines in
that manner, in order to set an example of patriotism to the
rest of their country.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1752.03.17 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0005321
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