Citation - Boston Gazette: 1750.02.20

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Index Entry Deblois, Gilbert and Lewis, sells violins, strings, spinet wires 
Location Boston 
20 Feb 1750:22 (1562)
Imported from London, and to be sold by Gilbert and Lewis
Deblois, at the Crown and Comb in Queen-Street, near the
prison, Boston, by wholesale and retail, at the cheapest
rate.  Brass kettles, pewter, nails, lead, powder and shot,
English and German steel, a large assortment of ironmongers,
founders and braziers wares, wool and cotton cards and card
wire, brass furniture for desks and book cases, carpenters
and shoemakers tools, a great variety of London, Sheffield
and Birmingham cutlery wares, mens and womens horse whips,
house brushes in setts, or single, candle moulds, English
sole leather, violins, strings &c. spinnet wires, a parcel
of childrens toys, well sorted, also sundry sorts of English
goods, viz. blue duffels, half thicks, bays druggets, forest
cloths, &c. shalloons, camblets, silk and worsted grograms,
Lloyd's gartlets, cotton romals, worsted caps, cap laces,
threads, qualities, ribbons, worsted cruils, slacks, flaws
and canvas, India handkerchiefs, &c. choice bohea tea and
black pepper, at the first cost, and the best Rhode-Island
cheese, 3s. 4d. per pound, by the quantity.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1750.02.20 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0005219
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