Citation - Boston Gazette: 1741.08.17

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Index Entry Bells, in Boston, rung for arrival of Governor Shirley 
Location Boston 
10-17 Aug 1741:31,32,41 (1016)
[Gov. Shirley's commission arrives on a mast ship met by
Capt. Tyng in Province Snow off New Hampshire;]. . . [9
lines]  Friday last being the day appointed for publishing
the said commission, the Honourable his Majesty's Council,
and the House of Representatives, and a great number of
officers & other gentlemen waited upon Mr. Shirley at his
house in the morning, and about eleven o'clock, walk'd in
Procession from hence with him, and as he passed by the
Province House, his late Excellency who together with his
honour the Lieut. Governour, was standing at the gate, with
the troop and regiment of militia of this town drawn up
there ready to receive Mr. Shirley, joined him, and then the
whole company walked in procession to the Town House, the
streets being lined with the guards and regiment, and the
guns firing from Castle William, his Majesty's Ship
Portland, and other vessels in the harbour, and the bells
ringing:  The commission was then published in the Council
Chamber, and the [   ] oaths administered to his Excellency
M. Shirley; after which his Excellency was pleased to issue
out a proclamation by and with the advice of his Majesty's
council ordering all officers [   ] and military within the
province, to hold, use and exercise their respective posts
till further orders, which said proclamation as publish'd in
the balcony of the Council Chamber.  After [   ] the guards
and Regiment gave three Huzzas, and fired three volleys. 
Then his Excellency attended by the late Governour, the
Lieutenant Governor, gentlemen of the Council, and other
gentlemen walk'd to Mr. [?Winslow's] in Kingstreet, where a
suitable entertainment was provided for them, as was also at
the Royal Exchange Tavern for the Officers of the Guards and
Militia, and other gentlemen:  And in the evening there was
several fine fire-works display'd from the town of the town
house and other places, but unluckily one of the serpents
fell in to the town house lanthorn where all the fire-works
lay, and set them all off at once, and made a pretty
diversion; several gentlemen were in the lanthorn, and some
of them were a little scorcht, but no other damage done,
except breaking a few of the lanthorn windows.  The whole
affair was conducted with great order and decency.
. . . [Proclamation follows, and welcomes with Shirley's

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1741.08.17 
Publisher Boydell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1741 
Bibliography B0004829
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