Citation - Boston Gazette: 1736.11.29

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Index Entry Drums, in Edinburgh, beat by mob in riot and execution 
Location Edinburgh 
22-29 Nov 1736:21,22 (881)
From Edinburgh, Sept. 12. 1736.  We hear that a very
extraordinary tumult and execution happened there last
Tuesday the 7th current.  About 10 at night, some men, by
surprize, entered the city, seized all the fire-arms,
battle-axes, and the drums belonging to the City-Guard.  The
mob in a few minutes lock'd & secur'd all the City Gates, &
with drums beat an alarm, then attempted to force open with
hammers and other instruments the prison-door; but these
failing, they set fire to it & burnt it. . .
col.2, 14 lines up from bottom:]
and after the execution was over, they left the arms & drums
on the place of execution, where they were found the next
morning:  During the tumult, parties of armed men with
drums, patroled in the different streets, to prevent any
surprize from the King's forces, quarter'd in the suburbs. .

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1736.11.29 
Publisher Boydell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1736 
Bibliography B0004629
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