Citation - Boston Gazette: 1733.06.11

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Index Entry Actors, amateur, in Annapolis, perform Recruiting Officer [t] 
Location Annapolis 
4-11 Jun 1733:12,21 (701)
Annapolis Royal, Jan. 22.  1732,3.  Saturday last being the
anniversary of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales's
birth day, the same was observed here with great solemnity. 
In the afternoon the young gentlemen of the garrison, at the
desire of the Honourable Lieut. Governour Armstrong,
Commander in Chief of the Province, entertain'd the ladys
and gentlemen of the place by acting the comedy called The
Recruiting Officer:  Their actions and behaviour upon the
stage far exceeded what every body expected by their
performance, and gave universal satisfaction to all the
spectators.  The night was usher'd in with illuminations and
bonfires, round which the soldiers made loud acclamations of
joy.  The Governour according to his custom on such
occasions, having ordered liquor in abundance to be
distributed amongst them.  After the play was over his
Honour entertain'd the company with a magnificent ball, in
his own hall, and the gentlemen concluded the night with
drinking their majesties, his royal highness's, and the
royal family with many other loyal healths.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1733.06.11 
Publisher Boydell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1733 
Bibliography B0004520
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