Citation - Boston Gazette: 1733.03.05

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Index Entry Amiconi, Sig, painting ceiling in Covent Garden Theatre 
Location London 
26 Feb-5 Mar 1733:22 (687)
London, October 7, 9, 10. . .  We hear that Mr. Harvey, and
Mr. Lambert have been employ'd for some time in painting the
scenes for the New Theatre in Covent-Garden; and that
Signior Amiconi, who painted the Lord Tankerville's
excellent stair-case in St. James's  Square, is to shew his
art in the ceiling of that Theatre;  and in order thereto,
hath prepared a design, in which Apollo is represented in an
assembly of the muses, dignifying Shakespeare with the
lawrel.  And as the several hands employ'd, require some
further time for compleating their undertakings, we are
informed the Theatre in Lincoln's Inn-Fields will be opened
in a few days, it being now determined, not to act in that
of Covent Garden, till the decorations are quite finished. 

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1733.03.05 
Publisher Boydell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1733 
Bibliography B0004509
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