Citation - Boston Gazette: 1732.10.16

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Index Entry Bagpipes, in Edinburgh, in procession, for Royal Company of Archers 
Location Edinburgh 
9-16 Oct 1732:12 (667)
London. . . July 18.  They write from Edingburgh, July 11,
that the Royal Company of Archers met in the Burrow-Room on
Monday morning, when the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Weemyss, First
Lieutenant, went down with a command of the said company, to
the Abbey of Holy-Rood-House for the Company's colours,. . .
[3 lines]
  About eleven the grand procession began from the
Parliament Close, in the following order ( preceded by the
led horses, richly caparison'd, belonging to the noblemen
and gentlemen concern'd, and the musick which consisted of
trumpets, drums, hautboys, french horns, bag-pipes, &c. )
viz. . . [rest of col. + 6 lines]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1732.10.16 
Publisher Marshall, Henry 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1732 
Bibliography B0004492
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