Citation - Boston Gazette: 1731.05.24

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Index Entry Ball, in Rome, after opera, meagre hospitality 
Location Rome 
17-24 May 1731:11 (595)
Rome, Feb.7. N.S. . . The same night [Friday] after the
opera, there was a great ball in the uninhabited palace of
the Cardinal Barberini, which was the reason why so few
ladies were seen at the public diversions in the afternoon,
for they were (it seems) at their toilets decking themselves
with labour indifatigable, in order to appear at the ball
which pass'd in forma pauperis; for there was none of the
usual entertainments of wine and sweetmeats, nor any gaming-
tables.  The truth is if we quarrel with the emperor, we
must begin to retrench from our sports, for the experience
of the war.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1731.05.24 
Publisher Marshall, Henry 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1731 
Bibliography B0004425
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