Citation - Boston Gazette: 1729.08.11

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Index Entry Chearnley, Col, sells spinets, harpsichord 
Location Boston 
4-11 Aug 1729:22 (507)
On Thursday next the 14th the sale of books will be
continued at Col. Chearnley's, to begin precisely at three a
clock afternoon, being about one half of the books, and on
Friday the 25th at the same place will also be sold the
remaining part of the inventory of household goods, none of
the inventory being sold but the linning & plate, and a very
small part of the china.  There is also two spinnets, and a
harpsicord, and several other things not mentioned in the

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1729.08.11 
Publisher Marshall, Henry 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1729 
Bibliography B0004342
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