Citation - Boston Evening Post (Powars): 1782.11.23

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Index Entry Blague, Joseph, owner of runaway Negro named Derry who plays fiddle 
Location Chatham 
23 Nov 1782:41 (2/58)
Fifty dollars reward.  Ran away, on Monday night the 28th
instant a negro man named Derry, about 27 years of age,
about 6 feet 2 inches high, pretty slim, looks a little
cross ey'd, his feet very extraordinary large and long, . .
. [11 lines describing clothing that he either wore or took
away] one checked linen do, marked D, and one fiddle, plays
some on it, but not well. 
   [5 lines describing another runaway negro named Dan]
   Whoever will take up said Negroes, and return them to the
subscribers in Chatham in Connecticut or secure them in any
goal and give us information where they may be had shall
have the above reward upon receiving them. 
 [signed] Joseph Blague. Jonathan Bush. 
N.B. They have had a mind to go to sea, and it is supposed
they have run away for that purpose . . . October 29, 1782.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Powars) 
Date 1782.11.23 
Publisher Powars, Edward E. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0003918
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