Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1774.08.15

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Index Entry Band, Boston Regiment, chief musician, Hogan, James, runaway apprentice 
Location Boston 
15 Aug 1774:33 (2029)
One penny reward.  Absented himself from the service of the
printers hereof, without any cause (except his being treated
with greater lenity than his behavior has merited for
upwards of two years past) an apprentice lad named James
Hogan, near eighteen years of age, and is about 5 feet 9
inches high:--Has with him two compleat suits of chocolate
coloured cloaths, one of them almost new; also a nankeen,
dark fustian, and a pair of white tick breeches, several
pair of worsted & thread stockings, of different colours; a
number of white shirts (some of them ruffled) and 5 or 6
checked ones:--Has long black hair, which he is very often
metamorphosing into the macaroni taste of the day:--He has
been employed as a chief musician in the band of the Boston
Regiment on field days, &c. (which is the only science that
he has made any great proficiency in, except profaneness,
lying, and some other ancient and modern vices)--His face is
much spotted with red blotches; has a very upright military
gait; affects the appearance of a person of importance; and
is much more fond of idle company than of his proper work.--
-Whoever will take up said apprentice shall be intitled to
the above reward.--Any master of a vessel is welcome to
carry him off:  But, if he is harboured, concealed or
entertained by any person in this town or province, they may
depend on being prosecuted to the extremity of the law.
  N.B.  All printers on the continent are cautioned to
beware of the consequences that may attend their harbouring
or employing such an ungrateful apprentice.
Boston, Aug. 12. 1774.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1774.08.15 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0003824
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