Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1774.05.02

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Index Entry Band of music, in New York, played God Save the King [t] 
Location New York 
2 May 1774:22 (2014)
New York, April 25. . .  On Saturday at 8 p.m. all the bells
in the city rang, pursuant to notice published on Thursday. 
About 9, the greatest number of people were collected at &
near the  Coffee House that was ever known in this city.  At
a quarter past 9 the committee came out of the Coffee-House
with Capt. Lockyer, upon which a band of music attending,
played, God save the King.  Immediately there was a call for
Capt. Chambers [the 1st captain to refuse to ship East India
Company's tea],---where is he ? where is he ?  Capt.
Lockyer, must not go till we find Capt. Chambers to send
back with him with the tea ship.  This produced marks of
fear in Capt. Lockyer, who imagined some mischief was
intended him; but upon assurances being given him to the
contrary, he appeared composed.  The committee with the
music, conducted him thro' the multitude, to the end of
Murray's Wharf, where he was put on board the pilot boat,
and wished a safe passage; upon which the multitude gave
loud huzza's, and many guns were fired expressive of their
joy at his departure. . . [6 more lines.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1774.05.02 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0003809
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