Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1772.03.09

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Index Entry Bells, in Boston, tolled for anniversary of massacre 
Location Boston 
9 Mar 1772:31 (1902)
Agreeable to a vote of the town for that purpose, a meeting
was called on Thursday the 5th of March current, at which
the committee appointed last year for that purpose, reported
that they had engaged Joseph Warren, Esq; to deliver an
oration, on the dangerous tendency of standing armies to the
rights of civil society, and in commemoration of the horrid
massacre perpetrated on the evening of the 5th of March
1770. . . [31 more lines] who were barbarously murdered by a
party of the 29th regiment, on the 5th of march 1770. At a
quarter after nine, the painting was taken in, and the bells
muffled toll'd till ten. The solemnity of the whole day, and
especially the evening, was truly affecting.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1772.03.09 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0003697
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