Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1771.07.15

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Index Entry Concert Spiritual, in Paris, attended by Madame du Barre 
Location Paris 
15 Jul 1771:22 (1868)
Extract of a letter from Paris, March 22. 
As I know your curiosity with respect to every thing that
relates to Madame du Barre. . . One evening this lent she
had assisted at a concert spiritual, and on her return to
the petit-souper in her own apartment, found that her
paramour had made pretty free with la soupe Angloise, when
he said to her, with a hiccough, Madame, etes vous grise?
(Madame are you grey?) To which she replied, Non, Monsieur,
je suis brune, a l'ordinaire, mais je vois que vois etes
grise d'haut en bas. (No, Monsieur, I am brown, as usual,
but I see you are grey from head to foot.). . . this affair
is in the mouths of all Paris. . . 

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1771.07.15 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0003663
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