Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1764.07.16

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Index Entry Bowers, Jerathmeel, owner of runaway Mulatto named Oney who plays violin 
Location Boston 
16 Jul 1764:32 (1506)
Ten dollars reward. [woodcut of runaway black man with stick
and bandana]
  For taking up a molatto slave belonging to Jerathmeel
Bowers, Esq; of Boston:  The said slave ran-away on the 28th
of June last, his name is Oney, about 24 years of age, a
tall slender fellow with black curling hair, has a slow
coarse voice:  He had on a red baize short under waistcoat,
and a dark outside jacket, with white pewter buttons, a
check'd linen shirt, grey yarn stockings, leather breeches,
and large round rim brass buckles in his shoes:---  He had a
violin with him, and was seen at Newbury last Tuesday. 
Whoever takes up and secures said molatto, so that his
master may have him again shall have the above reward.  All
masters of vessels and other persons are cautioned against
harbouring concealing or carrying off said slave, as they
would avoid the penalty of the law  July 16, 1764.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1764.07.16 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0003298
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