Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1761.01.05

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Index Entry Anthem, sung in London, for funeral of George II 
Location London 
5 Jan 1761:22,31 (1323)
From the London Gazette.  November 8. . . Tuesday, November
4.  A Ceremonial for the interment of his late most
excellent Majesty King George the Second of blessed memory
from the Prince's chamber to Westminster Abbey, on Tuesday
the 11th day of November 1760.  The royal body being
conveyed from Kensington to the Prince's chamber near the
House of Peers the night before the funeral, is to continue
there until the time appointed for the interment, and then
to be carried form the said Prince's chamber to the Abbey of
Westminster in the manner following, viz. . . [complete list
of procession]
  At the entrance within the church, the dean and
prebendaries in their copes, attended by the choir, all
having wax tapers in their hands, are to receive the royal
body, and are to fall into the procession just before
Clarenceux King of arms, and so are to proceed singing into
King Henry the VIIth's chapel, where the body is to be
deposited on tressels,. . . while the service, according to
the liturgy of the Church of England, is read. . . The royal
corps being interred, the dean of Westminster is to go on
with the office of burial, which ended, and an anthem sung
in the choir, garter King at arms proclaims his late
Majesty's stile as followeth. . . [2 more paras]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1761.01.05 
Publisher Fleet, T. and J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0003114
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