Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1756.10.04

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Index Entry Drums, in Minorca, beat parley to bury dead 
Location Minorca 
4 Oct 1756:11 (1101)
Antigua,. . .  Aug. 31.  Yesterday arrived here the snow
Sally, Capt. Barton, in 27 days from Gibralter, from whom we
have the following articles of intelligence:  The day after
the engagement between the two fleets, the French fleet
appeared of Minorca, when a report prevailed, that they had
sunk and destroyed the English fleet, and a flag of truce
was sent into the garrison, desiring they would surrender .
. . The gallant General Blakeney dismiss'd the flag of
truce, and gave them an answer by cannon balls and bomb
shells:  The execution that day was upwards of 1000 men
killed, when a parley was beat for leave to bury the dead: 
Soon after the French, upon a breach, put into execution a
bold attempt, when a mine was sprung by our general, which
blew up a battalion, and occasion'd their beating a second
parley to bury their dead.  This mine being a principal one
in the defence of the garrison, . . . [6 lines, 3 paras.]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1756.10.04 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1756 
Bibliography B0002892
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