Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1755.12.08

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Index Entry Balls, in London, attended by English officers, unlike ancient Romans 
Location London 
8 Dec 1755:11 (1058)
From the Westminster journal, October 4.  1755. . . When I
reflect on the uncertainty of human life, and the miseries
which are attendant on the most serene condition of it, I am
not a little surprised, that the healthy and vigorous should
prefer a life of effeminacy and inactivity, to the glorious
labours of a martial employment.--The Romans, instead of
wasting their strength by venereal excesses and unmanning
themselves at balls and masquerades, exercised their limbs
in the palestrae, and sharpned  their understandings in the
circus. . . [2/3ds col. in all] [signed]  Philo Libertatis.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1755.12.08 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0002849
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