Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1755.10.06

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Index Entry Drummer, in Dublin, arrived with convoy of military supplies 
Location Dublin 
6 Oct 1755:21 (1049)
Dublin, June 14.  Monday arrived the Coningsberg, from
London, under convoy of a man of war, with 7000 stand of
arms, 300 barrels of powder, a large quantity of other
military stores, and a command of the Royal Regiment of
Artillery at Woolwich, consisting of an officer, twenty-one
men, a serjeant and a drum:  And yesterday they were lodged
in his Majesty's stores at the castle.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1755.10.06 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0002840
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