Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1755.07.28

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Index Entry Assemblies, in Vienna, poor boxes set up for contributions 
Location Venice 
28 Jul 1755:21 (1039)
London, Apr 17. . .  As the winter has been unusually
severe at Venice, the senate permitted masks two days longer
than common in the carnival, on condition that one half of
the profits arising from publick diversions, and a moiety of
the money won at private play, should be applied to the
relief of the poor, which it is believed will amount to a
very large sum.  Besides boxes for contributions were not
only set up in the usual places, but at the theatres, opera
houses, and at the evening assemblies, that those who are
blessed with ease and opulence might not only have it in
their power, but also be put in mind to relieve the
indigence of their fellow-creatures.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1755.07.28 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0002830
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