Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1754.09.23

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Index Entry Band of music, in Bristol, in procession, for Nugent, instrumentation 
Location Bristol 
23 Sep 1754:12 (995)
The procession of Mr. Neugent, at Bristol, was so singularly
striking, that it would be blameable to omit the most
material parts thereof, which were never but once before
exhibited to our view.  It was as follows.
  First division, a band of musick of French horns, haut-
boys and bassoons, playing God save the King !
  Second division, the bottle makers, carrying bottles on
poles, with inscriptions, No French bottles, Nugent forever
! and followed by the white glass makers.
  Third division, the weavers and wool combers, dressed in
holland shirts and woollen perukes, of various colours,
curiously made, [c]arrying white rods in their hands tip'd
with wool, an ensign of party coloured unwrought wool
carried before them, and inscriptions on poles, Open trade
to Turky !. . .  Seventh division, six tradesmen with poles,
and inscriptions, The honour of Bristol defended by Mr.
Nugent.--Then followed Mr. Nugent and Alderman Elton,
attended by the gentemen merchants, &c. &c.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1754.09.23 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1754 
Bibliography B0002786
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