Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1753.10.29

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Index Entry Balls, in Switzerland, ministers preach against 
Location Switzerland 
29 Oct 1753:21,22 (948)
. . . an extract from the ingenious Mr. Addison's Remarks in
his Travels thro' Italy, &c.  How well our customs and
practices agree with those of the wise Switzers, the
publisher . . .  leaves his readers to judge.
  It is the great endeavour of the several cantons of
Switzerland, to banish from among the every think that looks
like pomp or superfluity.  To this end the ministers are
always preaching, and the governors putting out edicts
against dancing, gaming, entertainments, and fine clothes. 
This is becoming more necessary in some of the governments,
since there are so many refugees settled among them; for tho
the Protestants in France affect ordinarily a greater
plainness and simplicity of manners, than those of the same
quality who are of the Roman Catholick communion, they have
however too much of their country-gallantry for the genius
and constitution of Switzerland.  Should dressing, feasting,
and balls once get among the cantons, their military
roughness would be quickly lost,. . . [23 lines]  It is no
wonder therefore the poor commonwealths of Switzerland are
ever labouring at the suppression and prohibition of every
thing that may introduce vanity and luxury.  Besides the
several fins that are set upon plays, games, balls and
feastings, they have many customs among them which very much
contribute to the keeping of antient simplicity.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1753.10.29 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1753 
Bibliography B0002739
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