Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1751.10.21

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Index Entry Bells, in Boston, musical, play tunes in machine run by electrical fire 
Location Boston 
21 Oct 1751:31,32 (844)
Notice is hereby given to the curious, that at Faneuil-Hall
in Boston, is now to be exhibited and continued from day to
day, (the weather being suitable) a course of experiments on
the newly-discovered electrical fire, containing, not only
the most curious of those that have been made and published
in Europe, but a considerable number of new ones lately made
in Philadelphia; to be accompanied with methodical lectures
on the nature and properties of that wonderful element.  By
Ebenezer Kinnersley.
Lecture I. . . 
XIX.  Eight musical bells rung by an electrified phial of
water. . . 
Lecture II.
XIV.  A curious machine acting by means of the electric
fire, and playing variety of tunes on eight musical bells. .
. . . [1 full col. in all.]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1751.10.21 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1751 
Bibliography B0002636
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