Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1750.04.23

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Index Entry Bells, in Rome, rung for Universal Jubilee 
Location Rome 
23 Apr 1750:22 (767)
Rome, Dec. 27.  The time being come for proceeding to the
opening of the holy gates of the four great churches, in
order thereby to obtain the indulgencies of the universal
jubilee, on the 24th instant, the eve of the nativity of our
Lord, the Pope, accompanied by the sacred college and all
the prelates, repaired from the palace of the Quirinal to
that of the Vatican. His Holiness was there cloathed in his
pontifical ornaments, and afterwards proceeded to the chapel
of Sixtus, being accompanied with the same train of
cardinals and prelates, and also by the Constable Colonna,
the foreign ministers, Roman Princes, and all the domestic
prelates that campose  his household; where some time was
spent in worshiping and adoring the consecrated host; and
the Veni-Creator afterwards sung.  While this hymn was
chaunting, the secular and regular clergy, followed by the
chapter of St. Peter, marched in solemn procession under the
arches which surround the  chapel.  The hymn being ended,
the Pope, in a chaise borne by men, preceded by the
cardinals and prelates, descended the grand stair-case, and
proceeded to the portico of St. Peter's church.  This
portico was adorned with very fine and curious tapestry; and
the seat prepared for the Chevalier de St. George was
extremely grand and remarkable.  The Pope took his place on
the throne prepared for him, and where his Holiness received
from the hands of Cardinal Besozzi, Grand Penitentiary, the
golden hammer with which he was to open the holy gate. 
Then, descending from his throne, having a lighted taper in
one hand, and holding the hammer in the other, he knocked at
the gate which had never been opened since the last jubilee. 
The Pope, before he gave the first blow, said, Aperite mihi
portas justitae; and then gave two more strokes, repeating
the words relative to this action.  The workmen placed
within side then falling to work on the masonry which
blocked up the entrance of the gate, his Holiness remitted
the hammer to the Grand Penitentiary, and remounted his
throne.  While the masonry was removing, the Penitentiaries
washed the gate with holy water.  The customary prayers
being made, and the Pope redescended from his throne his
Holiness sung the Te-Deum, holding the cross in his right
hand, and a burning taper in the other.  After which, the
music continuing, he entered by the holy gate into the
church, followed by the sacred college and all the clergy.
  Nearly at the same time that the Pope repaired to the
Vatican, the Cardinals Ruffo, Jerome Colonna, and Corsini,
went from their palaces, each with three state coaches, and
six other coaches, all drawn by six horses, in which were
the prelates, the nobility and gentry of their retinue, each
coach being attended by a number of domestics in superb
liveries, and proceeded to the churches of St. Paul, St.
Marie Majore, and St. John of Lateran, where they
respectively performed the opening of the gates, with the
same ceremonies as observed at that of the church of St.
  During these different functions, all the bells in the
city rung, and a triple discharge was made of the artillery
from the castle of St. Angelo; and in the evening there was
a grand supper at the Vatican, for the cardinals, &c. &c. 
[All a farce, and religious cheat !]

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1750.04.23 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0002558
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