Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1746.01.20

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Index Entry Music, rough, in Deptford, in procession for anti-popery pageant 
Location Deptford 
20 Jan 1746:41 (545)
London, Novemb[er].  Among the several rejoicings upon his
Majesty's birth-day, there was something so particularly
drole and comical transacted at Deptford, that we shall
venture to entertain our readers with an account of it. . .
  3.  Two Capuchin friars properly shaved, habited, and
accoutred with flogging rods, beads, crucifixes, &c.  One of
them bore, on a high pole, a bell, mass-book, and candle to
curse the British Nation with; the other carried a large
standard with this inscription,
  Indulgences Cheap as Dirt: . . .
5.  The Pope, riding upon his bull.
  The procession was preceded and closed by all sorts of
rough music, and after a march round the town, the Pope and
the Pretender were in the evening committed to the flames,
according to custom, but not till they had been first
confessed, absolved, and purged with holy water, by the

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1746.01.20 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1746 
Bibliography B0002336
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