Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1743.09.26

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Index Entry Te Deum [t], sung in Paris, for presumed victory at Dettingen 
Location Paris 
26 Sep 1743:42 (425)
Extract of a letter from London, dated July 29.  Our news
writers have had enough to do to perswade the French to
believe they were beaten, for they sung Te Deum in all their
churches for the victory they had gained; but I take it they
sung it because they run away, and for those that excaped
being kill'd or drowned; for they had the impudence in
Paris, in the coffee-houses, to make their brags of the
victory, but now they sing another tune, and their
rejoicings are turned into mournings, for they are black
without as well as black within, for one half of the
nobility are in mourning for one friend or another, and no
man dare mention the name of the battle in any of their
coffee-houses:  They are all struck dumb, and are got into
sack-cloth and ashes:  His Majesty has given them such a
dose of physick that they never had before, and made them so
sick, that all the arts they can use won't recover them.---
Tho' they are asham'd to give an account of their loss, yet
by all the accounts that can be come at, it amounts to 8000
kill'd and drawned, and ours but 2300.---  Now it turns out
their intent was to have taken his Majesty prisoner, and had
promised their troops a great reward for so doing:  it is
allowed by all their scheme was exceeding well laid, and we
have a great deal of reason to thank God they were

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1743.09.26 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1743 
Bibliography B0002215
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