Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1742.08.16

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Index Entry Drums, in Italy, report that Irish troops in King of Spain's pay deserted 
Location Italy 
16 Aug 1742:41 (367)
The latter end of the last week Capt. Shannon arrived at
Marblehead in about five weeks from Oporto in Portugal, by
whom we are informed, that the day he sailed a packet in
seven days from Falmouth came in and brought advice that . .
.  -- And that all the Irish troops in the King of Spain's
pay in Italy have deserted, with their officers, colours and
drums, and gone into the service of Sardinia, Prussia and
Hungary. . . (A clever Irish trick this.)  Capt. Shannon has
(we hear) brought with him several of our countrymen who
have been prisoners in Spain for a long time; and 'tis said
a cartel is settled between the two nations for the exchange
of prisoners.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1742.08.16 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1742 
Bibliography B0002157
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