Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1739.08.06

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Index Entry Plays, in London, report suggests tax on admissions 
Location London 
6 Aug 1739:12,21 (208)
From the London Magazine.  Lawyers, taxes, &c. . . 
  As to taxes, he thinks they will be most easy, when laid
upon the luxury and prodigalities of the people, and such
things as are not necessary for life.  For instance, if
instead of some things, I could name, (says he) which are
now taxed, a greater tax should be laid on all gold and
silver lace, and trimmings and other things, mixed with gold
and silver; and also, all plate, and other things made of
gold and silver, jewels, diamonds, velvets, Persian and
Turkey carpets, embroidered gowns, handkerchiefs, &c. that
come over in great quantities from France and Flanders;
ribbons, arrack, wine, brandy, rum &c. other than what is
imported from our own plantations; foreign laces, hollands,
cambricks, &c.  And in short, whatsoever is imported hither
from other nations for the luxury of life.--And a tax laid
on all coaches kept by gentlemen, &c.  And I think also, if
every person going to the masquerade, ridotto's and plays,
were to pay the same price or tax to the government that
they give each night for their being at those
entertainments; such or such like taxes, would be much
better laid (and less felt) than upon the many necessaries
of life, which greatly affect the poor manufacturers, and
other the meaner sort, and poor of this Kingdom.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1739.08.06 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1739 
Bibliography B0001999
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