Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1738.10.30

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Index Entry Farinelli, in Spain, unable to distract King from melancholy 
Location Madrid 
30 Oct 1738:12 (168)
[Madrid,] August 17.  There are certain advices from Madrid,
that the King of Spain is relaps'd into his former
melancholy, out of which neither the efforts of the willing
Queen, nor the musick of Farinelli, can recover him.  It's
said, that the Queen attributing the cause of his Catholick
Majesty's indisposition to the vigorous resolutions of the
British Parliament, and the arrival of Admiral Haddock's
squadron on the coast of Spain, rails violently at both, and
is angry at her own credulity, having been informed that
Great Britain was more polite than to rudely do herself

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1738.10.30 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0001960
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