Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1738.10.23

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Index Entry Balls, in Italy, given for Queen's progress 
Location Italy 
23 Oct 1738:12 (167)
Venice, June 26.  Thursday last the doge married the sea
with the usual ceremony.  Seignior Macenigo, who is
appointed ambassador extraordinary to the King Don Carlos,
is preparing to set out for Palma Nuova, to meet and
compliment his new spouse:  His excellency will be
accompany'd by two hundred gentlemen; and his domesticks, to
the number of above 80, will be clad in the richest livery. 
All the foreign ministers who are here, are likewise
preparing to set out for the same place, where the Queen
will be received by the discharge of cannon; as she will
also in all the other towns of the republick through which
she is to pass:  Her expences thro' these territories will
be defray'd by the republick, which has order'd proper
relays of horses to be kept in readiness for her to the
number of 200; and that wherever the Queen stops she be
diverted with operas and balls:  Her guard from Palma Nuova
will consist of 1000 foot, 500 dragoons, and 200 grenadiers.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1738.10.23 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0001959
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