Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1738.01.23

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Index Entry Covy, runaway Indian, plays viol 
Location Exeter 
23 Jan 1738:22 (128)
Ran away from his master, Mr. Andrew Gilman of Exeter, on
the 18th of November last, an Indian man servant named Covy,
about 27 years of age:  He is a short thick fellow, has a
very grum voice, and smooth face, speaks very good English,
can both read and write, and plays on a viol.  He hath a
large scar on one of his knees, and a scar on the upper part
of one of his feet.  he had on when he went away, two
jackets, one a dark coloured kersey, the other a blue and
white striped woollen cloth, a white woollen shirt, a new
felt hat, a pair of Indian dress'd leather breeches, a new
pair of gray yarn stockings.  Whoever takes up said runaway,
and conveys him to his said master, shall have five pounds
reward and all necessary charges paid. [signed] Andrew
Gilman. Exeter, December 26th. 1737.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1738.01.23 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0001921
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