Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1737.05.23

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Index Entry Bells, in Hague, rung for conquest of Dutchy of Barr 
Location Hague 
23 May 1737:12 (93)
Extract of a letter from the Hague. . . Feb. 21. . .
Monsiery de la Gelaizlere, and the Baron de Meckee have
taken actual possession of the Dutchy of Barr, in the name
of the King of Poland; after which Monsieur de la
Gelaiziere, by virtue of a commission from the King of
France, took eventual possession of the said dutchy, in that
King's name. The whole was performed with great ceremony,
and attended with bells, fireworks, and other publick
demonstrations of joy.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1737.05.23 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0001886
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