Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1737.02.21

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in London, played by Sadlers Company for Prince of Wales 
Location London 
21 Feb 1736:11 (80)
[London] On Friday last the Sadlers Company being gone off
their stand, and return'd into their hall, a message was
sent to the master from Mr. Needham's, that it was his Royal
Highness the Prince of Wales's pleasure to see the hall;
whereupon the master, wardens, and Court of Assistants, went
down into the court-yard in their gowns and hoods, and
waited to receive their highnesses, whom they attended into
the hall, the musick, kettle drums and trumpets sounding;
his Royal Highness seem'd greatly pleas'd, and asked several
questions concerning the antiquity and customs of the
company, (which is one of the oldest in the city) and being
satisfied in the account given him by Mr. William Pool and
Mr. Thomas Harris, two of the ancient masters, they went
into the court room, and his Royal Highness was pleas'd to
salute the ladies, and the Court of Assistants had the had
the honour to kiss their Royal Highnesses Hands; then his
Royal Highness receiv'd a glass of wine from Mr. Heylinn,
one of the wardens, and drank of prosperity and success to
the sadlers company, and all the members thereof:  His Royal
Highness was pleased to leave five guineas to the musick and

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1737.02.21 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0001873
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