Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1736.06.21

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Index Entry Ball, in Boston, given by Durell for anniversary of King's accession 
Location Boston 
21 Jun 1736:22 (45)
Friday last being the anniversary of his Majesty's accession
to the throne, (when he entered the tenth year of his reign)
the same was observed here with all possible expressions of
joy and loyalty.  At noon the cannon at Castle William were
discharged, as were likewise those on board his Majesty's
ship Scarborough, and the ships and vessels in the harbour: 
In the afternoon his excellency the Governour, his Majesty's
Council, the Hon. House of Representatives, the Civil and
Military officers, and a great number of other gentlemen,
met at the Court-House, where their Majesties and all the
rest of the Royal Family's healths were drank, and the
evening concluded with illuminations, and all other
demonstrations of duty and loyalty.  On this occasion Capt.
Durell, commander of his Majesty's ship Scarborough, gave a
grand entertainment in the evening, at his house in Queen-
Street, (which was finely illuminated) to his Excellency the
governour and his lady, and upwards of 150 other persons of
distinction of both sexes, after which there was a ball,
which lasted most part of the night.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1736.06.21 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1736 
Bibliography B0001838
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