Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1770.06.21

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Index Entry Balls, in London, masked, not prejudicial to public morality, lady opines 
Location London 
18-21 Jun 1770:1983 (207)
A lady who has long been an ornament to the British Court,
being asked if she approved of the mask'd balls now so much
in vogue, and whether she did not think public masquerades
prejudicial to the morals of the people!  answered, why
really I do not: for such is the licentiousness of the age,
that it is very immaterial whether the most flagrant
breaches of morality are committed with or without a mask. 

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1770.06.21 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0001792
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