Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1770.05.10

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Index Entry Capers, dance steps inspired by German Spa water, in topical metaphor 
Location London 
7-10 May 1770:1491,1492 (195)
[Metaphorical tale of Albion and her physicians, Matthew
Mug, followed by Taycho, who "used to practice upon a stage
in Westminster," and indulged "Mrs. Albion in drinking
German Spa water"] all of which raised her spirits to such a
wonderful degree, that she danced and laughed, and sung and
capered, and thought herself the happiest woman upon earth.
. .

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1770.05.10 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0001780
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