Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1770.04.23

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Index Entry Opera House, in Lisbon, King present, subject attempts to deliver petition 
Location Lisbon 
19-23 Apr 1770:1293 (190)
Lisbon, Jan. 2.  Nothing as yet has transpired of what has
past with respect to the interrogatories which the villain,
who attempted the life of the King, was forced to answer; .
. . [2 lines] Another event, which happened on the 21st of
the last month, occasions many disagreeable conjectures. 
That day, as the King was going to the Opera-house, a man
waiting to give a petition to his Majesty, the gentlemen who
waited on him sent him away telling him it was not a proper
time for such an application,  When the opera was over, the
same fellow went to the palace to present it.  A courtier
seeing him so obstinate, asked him for his petition; but the
man replied, that he had a mind to deliver it into the
King's hands only; . . . 

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1770.04.23 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0001775
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